Creating Culver's Signature Root Beer

Growing up, Culver’s co-founder Craig Culver loved nothing more than to enjoy a nice, crisp and refreshing Root Beer at his local carhop during the summer. Over the years, he learned to savor its delicious flavor even more by asking for it cold, but without ice, so it wouldn’t melt and water down any of the taste.
Later on when Culver’s first opened, Craig knew Root Beer had to be on the menu. Sourcing his ingredients from a local supplier, he helped create Culver’s signature Root Beer recipe, tasting it until he felt it was just right. When a batch was done, he’d put it in a barrel and serve it to thirsty guests straight from the tap.
Guests today can enjoy that timeless taste fresh from the fountain or paired with a scoop of creamy Fresh Frozen Custard for a cool and tasty Root Beer Float.
When the summer heat is here, you’ll want to enjoy this classic again and again.