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10 Nerdy Bites of Cheesy Knowledge

As you all know, I am one nerdy Cheese Curd! But I realized there’s some science behind cheese that I still didn’t totally understand and wanted to learn more about. That’s why I decided to do some sleuthing to get the answer to some of life’s biggest cheese questions. Naturally, I’ve always wondered what makes cheese so unique, being a Cheese Curd and all. I figured some others might be interested in my findings too, so without further ado, here are 10 Nerdy Bites of Cheesy Knowledge:

Curdis standing in front of a whiteboard that reads “Cheese 101.”

Q1: Why does Swiss cheese have holes?

A: It’s because of carbon dioxide bubbles that form in the cheese. Another fun fact I learned is that to cheesemakers, they’re not called holes – they’re called eyes!

Q2: How do you get cheese from milk?

A: By curdling it! First, milk is poured into big vats. Next a “starter culture” is added to convert the lactose into lactic acid. And finally, an enzyme called rennet is added to curdle the milk!

Q3: Why is bleu cheese blue?

A: Penicillium! It’s a type of mold (weird, I know) that’s responsible for its unique taste, smell and blue color.

Curdis looking at a cheesy equation written on a whiteboard, emmental=muenster cheddar squared.

Q4: Why is some cheddar cheese orange?

A: Some cheesemakers add annatto, the fruit of the achiote tree, which turns it orange.

Q5: What is the name for people who love cheese?

A: Turophiles!

Q6: What makes some cheese sharper than others?

A: Aging – it’s the only difference between sharp and mild cheddar.

Curdis pointing to a diagram of 116% delicious-osity cheese on a whiteboard.

Q7: What is the only state where you can become a certified Master Cheesemaker?

A: Wisconsin, of course!

Q8: How many types of cheese are there?

A: More than 1,800 – that’s a lot of cheese!

Q9: What is the name for a cheese expert?

A: A cheesemonger!

Q10: Why is cheese so delicious?

A: A chemical called casein in dairy products triggers your happy brain receptors to release dopamine!

Chez: A food consisting of the compressed and usually ripened curd of milk separated from they whey.

Thank you all for coming to my CurdTalk! I feel like I know myself a bit better now. I hope you enjoyed my cheesy scientific facts!